The Bridge is Broken, How will we Repair it? The Articulation of the Media and Teaching in Public Education Institutions


  • Marelbi Olmos Pérez Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar- Cartagena, Colombia


Educommunication, school, Research Action Participation (IAP), critical reception of media, pro-sumidor.


This qualitative research was carried out from the socio-critical paradigm with the approach of the Participatory Action Research (IAP), to point out the production of a propositional and transformative knowledge, which start from the reality of the school context, compare with the rethinking about Educommunication, in which students, teachers and parents of the public education institutions of Cartagena participate (IE). It seeks to reflect critically and reflexively about the problematic relationship between communication and education to begin to move through where the school and the media overlap. This research analyzed the perceptions that 1479 students had between 2017 and 2018 about their school and the environment around it that is generally difficult because causes such as drugs addictions, violence and other social problems. As well as the social, symbolic and imaginary representations that the students have and that are reinforced by the contents that they see through the different ways of communication. This research integrates and  articulates the work of educators, with social communicators, because it is based on the premise that the teaching of media in schools is a key element for the formation of students, but these workshops are not intended to impose ways of reading the media,  it pursues that student read other narratives of their environment and their links through the tecnopedagogy, so that they can achieve a re-signification of their context and make their role visible, other ways of being young and the relationship that they build with others in their educational space and environment.


Olmos Perez, M. (2019). The Bridge is broken, how will we repair it? The articulation of the media and teaching in public education institutions. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 3(1), 47-55.



