Information and Communication Technology in Foreign Language Classes in English: Roles and Practices




EFL classes, ICTs, Practices, Roles, Secondary education


Teaching and learning process in 21st century has been embedded with technology. Use of ICTs plays crucial role in ameliorating knowledge acquisition in general and enhancing English Language mastering in particular. The government of Nepal has made provision of integrating ICTs in school education with the aim of enhancing quality education and make both teachers and learners confidence and competitive in the present global world. In this context, this research intended to investigate roles and practices of ICTs at English as Foreign language classes (EFL) of Nepal. To achieve the objective, explanatory sequential mixed research design was adopted. Survey questionnaire, unstructured interview and non-participant observation were used to as the tools of data collection and forty secondary English teachers (20 from public schools & 20 from private schools) were the sample population. Two datasets; quantitative and qualitative were collected and analyzed sequentially. The findings of the research reveal that majority of the teachers were positive towards roles of ICTs in language teaching even they were doubt if ICTs could develop creative and critical abilities of the students. Though the teachers practiced ICTs in their classes, they felt discomfort in using new ICT tools and applications. The findings imply that teachers should be given training on ICT use for building up their skills; knowledge and confidence to achieve optimum advantages form it.

Author Biography

Pitambar Paudel, Tribhuvan University, Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara

Department of English Education


Paudel, P. (2021). Information and communication technology in foreign language classes in English: Roles and practices. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 5(1), 37-55.


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