E-readers make a Difference for Diverse Readers


  • Tammy L. Anderson The University of Tennessee


E-readers, motivation, engagement, diverse readers.


Teachers are concerned with creating students who enjoy reading and choose to read because research has proven engagement is necessary for long-term achievement (Baker, Dreher, & Guthrie, 2000).  In addition to increasing reading engagement and achievement, according to the International Reading Association (2009) and Common Core State Standards (2010), educators are responsible for integrating technologies and new literacies, the skills and strategies necessary to use new digital technologies, into the language arts curriculum to ensure students are prepared for their literacy futures.  Is it possible integrating e-readers into literacy instruction, specifically independent reading, will produce students who not only engage in reading, but also enjoy reading and choose to read?  The e-reader is not a replacement for traditional books, but it is an effective addition, allowing students to use digital tools (technology) in developing as passionate readers.  The novelty of using digital tools is just one of many ways to engage students in reading.  This study investigated third grade students’ use of e-readers for independent reading and the impact on reading behaviors including engagement, motivation, attitude toward reading, and reading volume.  Field notes from observations, transcripts of interviews, annotations made on e-readers, and the number of books recorded in reading logs were collected, analyzed, and used to create a representation of the attitudes and habits of young readers.  A descriptive case study captured participants’ experiences using e-readers, demonstrated perceived benefits for diverse readers, and provided insight for teachers integrating this digital tool.


Anderson, T.L. (2018). E-readers make a difference for diverse readers. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 2(1), 40-56.





