The Effects of Digital Game-based STEM Activities on Students’ Interests in STEM Fields and Scientific Creativity: Minecraft Case




Minecraft, STEM, Digital game-based learning, Scientific creativity


This research is determined to investigate the effects of STEM activities practiced by using digital games in 6th-grade science classes on students’ level of interest in STEM fields and their scientific creativity. As a digital game, Minecraft Education Edition was applied. As a data collecting tool for this survey, the STEM Career Interest Survey and Scientific Creativity Scale were used in the quantitative part and semi-structured interview forms were used in the qualitative part of the study. As a result of the research, it was seen that there is a statistically significant difference between the scientific creativity and STEM interest levels of students in favor of the posttest. In order to investigate the results obtained from the quantitative data more deeply, the students' remarks on STEM education were scrutinized. Students have stated that they were constantly in communication with each other as they had been working as teams throughout the application process inside the Minecraft world, shared decision making processes and that this situation enabled them to learn to respect different ideas; they were fully active during the application of the lessons and thus the information was more consistent; and that the education process was both instructing and informative.

Author Biographies

Ugur Saricam, ENKA Schools and Marmara University

Science Education

Mehtap Yildirim, Marmara University

Science Education 


Saricam, U., & Yildirim, M. (2021). The effects of digital game-based STEM activities on students’ interests in STEM fields and scientific creativity: Minecraft case. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 5(2), 166-192.





