A Systematic Literature Review towards the Research of Game-Based Learning with Augmented Reality





Game-based learning, Augmented reality, Augmented reality in education, Gamification


Changes in the lifestyles of human beings keep up with science and technology in tandem with the growth of science and technology. As in all fields, expectations are influenced by the advancement of science and technology for the use of emerging technologies in educational environments. By empowering the physical world with virtual information, Augmented Reality (AR) creates new opportunities for education. The impact of uncertainty and scientific advances in the field of application has modified the definition of “AR Technology” to “AR Environments”. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to analyze scientific studies on game-based learning and the use of AR in educational activities systematically. In this context, the “education area”, “the level of education of the participant”, “dependent variables”, “data collection tools”, “research methods used”, “type of AR used”, “software used in the development phase of the application”, factors such as “advantages and limitations towards the use of AR in a learning environment” are taken into consideration. In line with the purpose of the research and the specified criteria, a total of 53 scientific studies, which were scanned from scientific journals published in Turkey and abroad between 2016 and 2020, were analyzed using the systematic literature review method. As a result, findings regarding the effects of the game and AR-based learning environments in the learning processes for students are discussed. In addition, several recommendations for the creation and use of new educational games and AR applications have been created, which will help the gaps in AR studies and students' learning processes in terms of potential study.

Author Biographies

Ayfer Alper, Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences

Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department

Elif Şengün Öztaş, Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute

Educational Sciences Institute PhD Student

Handan Atun, Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute

Educational Sciences Institute PhD Student

Dinçer Çınar, Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute

Educational Sciences Institute PhD Student

Musa Moyenga, Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute

Educational Sciences Institute PhD Student


Alper, A., Oztaş, E. S., Atun, H., Cinar, D., & Moyenga, M. (2021). A systematic literature review towards the research of game-based learning with augmented reality. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 5(2), 224-244. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.176





