A Review of Mobile Application Characteristics Based on Teaching and Learning Theory for Mute and Deaf Students


  • Mat Redhuan Samsudin
  • Tan Tse Guan
  • Anuar Mohd Yusof
  • Mohd Firdaus Che Yaacob


Education technology, education theory, teaching and learning, mute and deaf, mobile application.


Technology in education has been changed the culture of teaching and learning strategies. Teaching and learning theory is the primary basis for reference in carrying out teaching and learning activities. Learning using mobile apps is still new and has not been recognized by the education ministry as an effective learning aid. However, there are students using this method, but the implementation of the method is not based on a specific framework as a guide to make it a learning tool. This paper aims to identify key features of learning using mobile applications. In addition, the study aims to create a new model in Malay language teaching and learning in the context of sign language using digital technology such as mobile applications. This study analyzes the five theories used in teaching and learning based on previous studies. There are five key components required for the implementation of mobile applications in teaching and learning namely pedagogical strategies, mobile devices, learning modules, communication methods and application designs. These components are among the components needed for implementation of learning methods using mobile applications. The findings of the previous study showed mobile applications can help students and teachers in teaching and learning more effective.


Samsudin, M.R., Guan, T.T., Yusof, A.M., & Yaacob, M.F.C. (2017). A review of mobile application characteristics based on teaching and learning theory for mute and deaf students. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 1(1), 24-28.





