A Two-year Follow-up Case Study on Pre-service Science Teachers’ Attitudes towards Online Learning and Academic Achievement in Science Education Courses





Online learning, Science education Courses, Prospective teachers


The present paper attempts to answer the following research questions: 1.What are students’ attitudes towards distance education during COVID-19? 2. What are students’ feelings and opinions towards online education? 3. What are the impacts of distance learning on students’ development of their PCK skills? And 4. What is students’ academic achievement in taught online science education courses? To collect data, a total sample of 117 students enrolled in undergraduate program for science teaching at the elementary level, was used. Data was collected over three semesters, during the academic years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. The data collection tools used are: a. a questionnaire administered to students enrolled in their 2nd through the 6th semesters, at the Faculty of Education, Lebanese University, at the end of science education courses, b. students’ grades in formative and summative assessments in science education courses, c. students’ drawing themselves as remote learners, and d. a post-interview of a purposeful sample. Data analysis was done using interim analysis in the form of post-zoom class conferences and data validation using member check at the end of courses. Findings showed that students at the beginning of the state successive and long lockdowns were happy to learn remotely. But as time passes, they were dissatisfied with online learning, 38% of students missed the campus life and 16% lacked the interaction with their teachers and classmates. In addition, students’ academic performance decreased significantly and many were concerned about the little expertise to deal with students in real classes. For 57% of students, distance learning was difficult than classroom, and 70.5% admitted that home environment was not suitable for participating in online lectures due to distractions by their families. Quality teaching and the need for evaluation the online teaching/learning process at the level of the Faculty of Education and the Lebanese University is an urgent need.

Author Biography

Suzanne El Takach, Faculty of Education, Lebanese University

Science and Mathematics Department


El Takach, S. (2022). A two-year follow-up case study on pre-service science teachers’ attitudes towards online learning and academic achievement in science education courses. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 6(4), 585-601. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.403





