Views of Greek Teachers on the Implementation of Teaching Approaches in Online Classrooms




Teaching practices, Pedagogical practices, Online classrooms, Greek teachers, Covid-19


With the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, education systems at international level were called upon to immediately undertake the transition from face-to-face teaching to a new digital environment. The Greek Ministry of Education has activated the implementation of Online Education - Distance Teaching (OE - DT) for students of Primary and Secondary Education. In this context, this research attempts to investigate the views of Greek teachers on the implementation of teaching approaches in online classrooms during the period of COVID-19. The research sample consists of 734 Greek teachers. The sample was selected by "cluster random sampling". A structured questionnaire with "closed" type of five-point Likert-type questions was used as a research tool for the research and data collection. Statistical analysis and interpretation of the empirical data was implemented with the statistical package SPSS 28. The main findings are: i) the views of the research subjects about the role of the teacher - regarding the interaction between the teacher - students, the use of teaching methods and techniques - in the teaching process, are approximately neutral, i.e. neither positive nor negative; ii) well over half of the teachers stated that in the case of extended use of OE - DT , the sociality of students may be affected.

Author Biography

Filippos Evangelou, Hellenic Open University, Greece, Patras

Filippos Evangelou holds a Ph.D. in Science Education and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), from the University of Ioannina, Department of Primary School Education, Greece (2012).From 2020 until today he teaches as a Tutor-Counselor at the Hellenic Open University for the Postgraduate Program: "Education and Technologies in distance learning and learning systems - Education Sciences".His research interests and publications concern the areas about the use of computer-based simulations and inquiry-based experimentation as cognitive tools in science teaching and learning. Also, his research interests and publications concern the areas about in adult education and in open and distance education.


Evangelou, F. (2023). Views of Greek teachers on the implementation of teaching approaches in online classrooms. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 7(2), 152-166.





