Conceptual Change based on Virtual Media (CC-VM) versus POE Strategy: Analysis of Mental Model Improvement and Changes on Light Wave Concepts




Conceptual Change based on Virtual Media (CC-VM), POE Strategy, Mental Model, Light Wave


The purpose of this study is to analyze the mental model of improvement and changes on light wave concepts with Conceptual Change based on Virtual Media (CC-VM) x POE strategy. The method used is mixed methods with embedded design. The sample consisted of 30 students (with an age range of 16-17 years) in one of the schools in Subang, Indonesia. The instrument used is 15 questions with a four-tier format, which consists of the concepts of Light Waves. Data analysis was carried out by entering students' answers in the mental change category (Acceptable Change (AC), No Change Positive (NCP), No Change Negative (NCN), and Not Acceptable Change (NAC)), then calculations to improve the mental model with the equation Normal Change <c> (with high, moderate, low, and negative categories). Meanwhile, the change in the mental model is identified by a percentage for each change. As a result, the increase in mental models is dominated by the "moderate" category (65%) and the lowest is the "high" category (15%). The category of mental changes was dominated by AC (74%) and the category of the least changes was found in NCP (3%).

Author Biography

Achmad Samsudin, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Department of Physics Education


Samsudin, A. (2023). Conceptual change based on virtual media (CC-VM) X POE strategy: Analysis of mental model improvement and changes on light wave concepts. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 7(2), 230-252.





