A Review of YouTube Channels that Provide Flute Education





YouTube, Flute education, Flute, Instrument education, Music education


In this research, it was aimed to examine the channels related to flute education on the YouTube platform. For this purpose, a total of 6 channels, 3 Turkish and 3 foreign, were determined and selected. In determining the channels, the channels with the highest number of subscribers were preferred. In addition, all the topics in the channel content, all the topics in the flute education videos and the flute education videos were compared and examined respectively. Turkish channels A, B, C; foreign channels are named with the letters D, E, F. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the number of videos in foreign channels is higher than the Turkish channels, the number of views of foreign channels, the diversity of topics is higher, and the educational video content is more qualified. In addition, when the last video release date was compared according to the descriptive features of the channels, it was found that Turkish channels do not currently share new videos, while foreign channels still continue to share videos, and foreign channels are older and have a higher number of followers. Among the foreign channels, it has been concluded that channel D and channel F are qualified enough to be used in the flute education process and individuals can benefit from these channels in order to learn how to play the flute effectively.

Author Biography

Merve Soycan, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education, Department of Music Education

Yardım. Profesör Doktor


Soycan, M. (2023). A review of YouTube channels that provide flute education. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 7(3), 331-351. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.485


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