Enhancing Visual Literacy and Performance through Motion Graphics in Learners

Kailash Pem
918 481


The study sought to determine the effect of animated motion sequences on visual literacy for Grade 8 biology learners.  This study included a series of case studies to probe deeply into the visual literacy skills. Following the completion of 15 animations created with Flash Mx software package guided by the ACE model, pretests were administered at the start of the study followed by the animations and then the posttests and summative tests. The tests addressed the seven visual literacy indicators namely identify, find, understand, evaluate, use, create and extract indicators. It was observed that students from low, average and high performing schools scored improved marks. Regarding the seven visual literacy indicators, an increase in the mean marks and mean ranks through the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test was noted for the indicators. Gender-wise it was observed that girls had a higher mean percentage than for boys except for the “essence” and “understand” indicators.


Visual literacy indicators, Animations, Motion graphics, Visual

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Pem, K. (2022). Enhancing visual literacy and performance through motion graphics in learners. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 6(2), 347-372. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.376

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.376


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International Journal of Technology in Education & Science (IJTES)-ISSN: 2651-5369

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